OnePosting SynergySuite

Automate Supplier Invoice Reconciliation

Hands-free invoice verification

Let our Automated Supplier Invoice Reconciliation technology check and verify each supplier invoice.

Pricing is verified against a purchase order and quantities are checked against one or more 'Receivers'.

You have the reassurance that you been billed correctly for valid purchases and receipts, and time is released for staff to focus on other, more productive tasks.

Picture of automated supplier invoice reconciliation
Discrepancies are sent for online review
Approved invoices convert Receivers to Bills automatically
Information for decision making available sooner

Invoice ingestion is the #1 pain point in the AP Process*

Research commissioned by Sage*, Adobe**, and OnePosting*** highlights costs and potential for Accounts Payable automation


SMBs manually input supplier invoices.*


Percent of time spent by AP staff on data entry.*


Average cost to process a supplier invoice.**


Potential to increase AP staff productivity.***

Maximize your profitability

Addressing these pain points provides significant benefit.

Eliminate paper

Remove paper, data entry, filing, storage, disposal, and paper handling costs.

Identify issues

Highlight discrepancies with pricing or quantities invoiced automatically.

Automatically update Intacct

Receivers electroncially converted to Bills. Non-PO invoices posted as Bills.

Expand locations

Grow your business and add new locations without adding new admin staff.

Streamline processing

Centralize invoice processing to provide clearer and faster financial visibility.

Improve margins

More informed vendor information leads to better relationships and better pricing.

Sample Clients

we handle all types of invoices and bills

10 Reasons to choose OnePosting for Invoice Reconciliation

Our unique technology extracts data from invoices with 100% accuracy from Day 1.

Transaction details extracted as well as top of invoice information like number, PO, date.

Verify pricing against a Purchase Order and quantities against one or more 'Receivers'.

Supports multiple entities and dimensions such as Account, Location. or Department.

When issues are detected, they can be corrected by people who don't need Intacct licenses.

System recognizes invoices and contents without having to be 'trained' or corrected by you.

System 'learns' your GL codes can can apply them automatically to Bills.

Auto-approved invoices have been fully verified and can be posted as Bills ready for payment.

PO with a single generic non-inventory line can auto-reconcile against multiple invoice lines.

Converts Receivers posted by third party systems into Bills.

Our Accounts Payable Automation solution enhances the completeness, speed and accuracy of your profitability figures for each location by processing all invoices and bills electronically.

Automate 3-way Matching

Reconcile Purchase Orders and Receiving Transactions from a Third-Party solution against invoices from suppliers.
Convert Receivers on Sage Intacct into Bills automatically, ie. they are not simply posted as 'Drafts' but are fully posted as if they had been input manually.

100% accuracy is vital

Accurate data is essential for automated invoice reconciliation.

Unfortunately, the accuracy rates quoted by OCR-based solutions are for characters read, not invoices processed which can result in as few as 7 in 10 invoices being processed electronically.

That's why we developed an alternative technology that extracts all data with 100% accuracy.

Maximize percentage of invoices that reconcile and post to Sage Intacct
Exceptions addressed online without using Sage Intacct licenses
Remove paper from the entire reconciliation and posting process
Close accounting periods faster and avail of early payment discounts

Process all types of Bill and Invoice

Although OnePosting excels at three-way matching, it processes any type of Bill or Invoice.

Error checking & workflow

It is vital for non three-way matched invoices to be validated for duplicates and computational errors with or without purchase orders.

It is also critical business controls are implemented that control who can sign off on invoices, for what entitites and locations on Sage Intacct, and within dollar-value signing limits.

All of this is available in OnePosting.

2-way matching available to check pricing and max quantities against a PO
Escalation paths available to ensure all invoices signed-off appropriately
GL codes can be applied automatically at a line-level on each invoice
Approved invoices posted as Bills ready for payment on Sage Intacct

Integration with the Sage Digital Network

Our AP Automation solution sits outside but integrates tightly with Sage Intacct as well as with other third-party solutions

No change for suppliers

Suppliers continue to send invoices  in PDF format as normal by email.

Protect your systems

Emails are screened and invoices validated to minimize the risk of invoice redirection fraud.

ZERO Error Extraction

Data is extracted from invoices with 100% accuracy using our unique non-OCR technology.

Automated Reconciliation

Every line on every invoice is electronically validated and only anomolies outside approved limits that can be customized (if required) per supplier are routed for review.

Bills posted to Sage Intacct

Approved invoices are posted automatically to Sage Intacct without manual intervention, eliminating data entry, removing paper, increasing visibility, removing 'hidden' costs and enhancing margin.

Use of 'AI' in AP Automation

We use AI to craft our solution and leverage ML (Machine Learning) extensively to optimize our data extraction to offer superior invoice matching capabilities.

Leverage your Supplier Invoices

Create your own Sage Intacct Dashboards to leverage more accurate information to support better decision making.

Reduce costs, improve margins, avail of early payment discounts
Reduce time to close period end and get access to more 'real-time' reporting
No/Low impact on suppliers who bill as normal
Convert Accounts Payable from a cost center into a profit center

Book a Discovery Call

What to expect from the Discovery Call

This is an opportunity to learn if supplier invoice reconciliation is relevant for you.


- Provide an overview of your business.
- Understand your supplier invoice process.
- Identify areas you want to improve.
- Establish potential benefits.
- Assess the type of solution that will work best for you.

Of course if you feel it would be of benefit, we would love you to consider the OnePosting supplier invoice reconciliation solution.

However, if we are not a fit for you, you will at the very least have learned more about accounts payable automation that will assist you in achieving your goals.

Book a time that suits you